Facts About Binge Eating Disorder | Banyan Philadelphia
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Statistics and Facts About Binge Eating Disorder

binge facts

Disordered eating can take many forms and happen for many reasons, which are not always centered around losing weight. Many people seek treatment for an eating disorder, and eating disorders are some of the most prevalent types of disorders. No matter the case, these individuals deserve a facility that understands their struggles and knows how to help them. Banyan Treatment Centers Philadelphia is that facility and goes over statistics and facts about binge eating disorder (BED).

Binge Eating Disorder Facts

Someone with BED will eat an excessive amount of food at one time. Many will feel like they lose control during these binges and will find it difficult to stop on their own. They may even eat until they feel physically sick. Following an episode, the individual is likely to feel a strong sense of shame or guilt about what happened.

Symptoms of binge eating disorder include:

  • Feeling a loss of control when eating
  • Experiencing an episode a minimum of once a week for at least 3 months
  • Eating more food than most people in a single sitting on a regular basis
  • Eating past the point of feeling full and doing so very quickly
  • Eating even when there are no feelings of hunger present
  • Eating very quickly
  • Avoiding to eat with others and instead eating completely alone

One of the other facts about binge eating disorder to consider is that those experiencing them won’t attempt to make up for their binges through unhealthy actions like purging, fasting, or excessive exercise.

There are also a number of binge eating disorder health risks, including:

  • Sleep apnea
  • Arthritis
  • Fertility issues
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Social isolation
  • Co-occurring addictions

Binge Eating Disorder Statistics

BED is ranked as the most prevalent eating disorder in the United States, with over 2.8 million adults living with it.This makes it more common than bulimia and anorexia combined.1 While anyone can grapple with this condition, a national survey found that the typical onset of this eating disorder is 21 years old.2 It is also quite frequent in adolescents, with 26% of females and 13% of males living through a binge eating episode within 12 months.3

These numbers are troubling and may not even consider the many people who suffer from BED while remaining undiagnosed. We want people to understand that there is no shame in asking for help. Rather, it is incredibly courageous to admit to something that is not working and seek out the proper resources to address it. That is where our treatment center comes in.

Find Treatment for Binge Eating Disorder With Banyan Philadelphia

The Banyan eating disorder program, Nourish in Recovery, is equipped to handle a variety of scenarios that our clients may be dealing with. In fact, our rehab in Philadelphia offers specialized programs that can address the facets of binge eating disorder, giving participants a chance at long-term recovery. We want to help each of our clients reach their full potential and help them make the most of their treatment experiences. Healing is possible, and we will do everything in our power to make that happen.


To learn more about our options for Philadelphia eating disorder treatment, call Banyan today at 888-280-4763.



  1. NIMH – Eating Disorders
  2. NCBI – A narrative review of binge eating disorder in adolescence: prevalence, impact, and psychological treatment strategies

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Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa is the National Director of Digital Marketing and is responsible for a multitude of integrated campaigns and events in the behavioral health and addictions field. All articles have been written by Alyssa and medically reviewed by our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Darrin Mangiacarne.