Guide to Your First Month Sober | Banyan Boca
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Guide to Your First Month Sober

Guide to Your First Month Sober

Completing your first month of sobriety is an amazing achievement.

Even if you’ve undergone drug or alcohol addiction treatment, recovery is never guaranteed to be easy. Not only is your body growing accustomed to functioning without the substance in question, but you’re also retraining your mind to prioritize the things that may have been neglected during your active addiction. Getting sober can be a difficult decision to make, but it’s worth it. At Banyan, we’ve had the honor of being a part of many recovery stories. To encourage those in recovery to stay on track, we’ve compiled a guide to your first month sober.

What to Expect During Your First Month Sober

Whether you’re one month sober from alcohol or drugs, you’ve accomplished an amazing goal. But the journey doesn’t end there. As a drug and alcohol treatment center,  we know the earlier stages of sobriety are often the most challenging. During this period, you’re physically and mentally transitioning into a new lifestyle after rehab, which requires lots of change. No one’s sobriety is perfect, and experiencing some struggles throughout the first 30 days of your recovery journey is normal. Here are some things you can expect during your first month sober.

Emotional Rollercoaster

It’s not uncommon for people who are recovering from long-term drug or alcohol abuse to feel emotionally overwhelmed in the early stages of sobriety. Alcohol and drugs are known for affecting the way the body processes thoughts and emotions, making it difficult to readjust to a clearer state of mind. During this phase, you may cry, feel frustrated, and feel happy, sometimes all at the same time. Give yourself a chance to adjust.

Physical Changes

Alcoholism and drug addiction are known for causing a variety of physical changes in their users. As you progress in your recovery journey, you may experience some physical changes. One of the most common changes is weight fluctuation. Recovering addicts often experience weight gain during sobriety. Many people cope with their addiction cravings by seeking comfort in food. While weight gain is often necessary for maintaining your health after substance abuse, it’s important to maintain a clean diet and exercise regularly.

Relapse Dreams

Relapse dreams are a phenomenon that commonly occurs in people who are recovering from drug or alcohol abuse. After having one of these dreams, the person may wake up feeling as if they’ve used or drank again. Relapse dreams are often realistic, which can be scary to someone who’s trying to sustain their sobriety. Rather than being consumed by these dreams, consider them reminders of how powerful addiction is and the importance of staying clean.

Feeling Overwhelmed

It’s common for recovering drug addicts and alcoholics to experience sensory overload when they first stop using. Drugs and alcohol dull your brain, affecting your senses. People who are one month sober may feel like their environment is brighter, louder, and more colorful. It may also be difficult for them to carry on conversations and complete tasks at the rate they would prior to their addiction.

Helpful Tips for Your First Month Sober

Our guide to your first month sober includes realistic methods that can be applied to your recovery journey. Here are a few:

  • Find recovery resources, like books for recovering addicts
  • Don’t replace your addiction with another vice (like overeating)
  • Take it day by day, don’t overwhelm yourself with thoughts of the future
  • Incorporate prayer into your daily routine
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat a clean diet (the occasional donut won’t hurt)
  • Be patient with your body
  • Pick up healthy habits, like going for daily walks or journaling
  • Stay in touch with your sponsor
  • Do not isolate yourself
  • Do not revisit places that may remind you of your addiction
  • Do not connect with friends or people you would drink or use drugs with

Everyone’s recovery journey is different. At Banyan Treatment Centers Boca, we’ve helped numerous people heal from their addiction and begin their road to sobriety. Our medically-monitored detox and substance abuse treatments are some of the many programs we offer to patients at our rehab facility.

If you or a loved one is battling with substance abuse and feel like there’s no way out, we can help. Call Banyan today at 888-966-9413 to learn more about facility and rehab programs.

Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa is the National Director of Digital Marketing and is responsible for a multitude of integrated campaigns and events in the behavioral health and addictions field. All articles have been written by Alyssa and medically reviewed by our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Darrin Mangiacarne.