How Long Does Vyvanse Last in Your Body? | Banyan Palm Springs
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How Long Does Vyvanse Last in Your Body?

How Long Does Vyvanse Last in Your Body?

Vyvanse is the brand name for lisdexamfetamine dimesylate, which is a central nervous system stimulant that's prescribed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as well as moderate to severe binge eating disorder (BED). This medication is approved for use in people over 6 years of age with ADHD and over 18 years of age for people with BED. Among other factors, the duration of this medication in one’s system makes it less likely to be used than other stimulants. With that said, the question of the day is: how long does Vyvanse last in your body?

How Long Does It Take for Vyvanse to Kick In?

Vyvanse is a pro-drug, meaning it needs to be taken orally and metabolized by the body to become effective over time. Specifically, the active ingredient in Vyvanse, lisdexamfetamine, undergoes a natural metabolic process where it is converted into the stimulant dextroamphetamine. Initially, lisdexamfetamine itself is only detectable in the body for a very short period, just a few hours in most cases. However, the dextroamphetamine, into which it is metabolized, has a half-life of about 12 hours and thus remains detectable for a longer duration. This metabolite, dextroamphetamine, is an amphetamine-like substance that would show up on most drug tests. As a result, it can take one to two hours for Vyvanse to kick in, with side effects lasting as long as 14 hours. Like other ADHD medications, Vyvanse works by raising levels of neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain to regulate chemical imbalance and improve focus, impulse control, ability to concentrate, and more.

It’s also considered a “smooth drug” because side effects gradually occur rather than kick in suddenly. This also means that there’s less of a rebound or severity in withdrawal when the medication wears off or when a person decides to stop using it.

How Long Does Vyvanse Stay In Your System?

Vyvanse’s half-life is a huge determining factor in the length of time it remains in a person’s body. A drug’s half-life refers to the time it takes the body’s metabolic processes to reduce the concentration of the drug by half. Lisdexamfetamine, the main ingredient in Vyvanse, is naturally metabolized into the stimulant dextroamphetamine.

Although lisdexamfetamine has a short half-life, dextroamphetamine has a half-life of about 12 hours, meaning it would be detectable in the body for longer. Based on this, Vyvanse lasts in your body anywhere from 2 to 3 days.

Although the average drug half-life is 5.5 hours, this number depends on various factors, including the dose of the drug taken and how frequently the person uses it. Long-time Vyvanse users may take longer to eliminate the medication from their bodies because their systems have become used to the drug.

Other factors that can affect how long Vyvanse lasts in your system include metabolism, age, weight, body mass, whether the drug was taken with other substances, and how the drug was taken. Some people abuse stimulants like Adderall and Vyvanse either to enhance their performance at work or school or to get high.

In an attempt to intensify Vyvanse’s side effects, a recreational user might crush pills and snort them for quicker and stronger effects. Others might even take Vyvanse with alcohol. Not only can this change how quickly side effects kick in, but long-term abuse also means the drug is likely to remain in the person’s system for longer periods.

Does Vyvanse Show Up on a Drug Test?

Vyvanse was originally believed to have a lower potential for abuse and addiction compared to other prescription stimulants like Ritalin. However, because drug abusers are constantly searching for new ways to misuse these drugs and adapt them to their needs, Vyvanse has become another source of substance abuse. It’s currently a controlled substance and classified by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as a Schedule II drug, meaning it has a high potential for abuse that can lead to severe psychological and physical dependence.

For this reason, while there is no specific Vyvanse drug test, amphetamines like dextroamphetamine do show up in drug tests or screenings. The detectability of a drug in a person’s system depends on different factors, including what is being tested. For instance, blood tests usually have the shortest detection windows, and in most cases, Vyvanse is detectable in blood for up to eight hours after the person’s last use.

Metabolites of Vyvanse also show up in urine tests for up to three days or longer, in some cases. Drug screenings may also include testing hair samples, and Vyvanse is detectable in hair for as long as a month after the person last took the drug. Hair samples tend to have the longest detection windows.

It’s important to know how long Vyvanse will last in your system if you’re taking this medication for the first time. Having an understanding of how medications work in the body, equips you to take them safely and avoid misusing them.

What Factors Can Influence The Detectability Of Vyvanse In The Body?

When considering what factors affect how long Vyvanse can be detected in the body, it’s important to recognize a variety of influences. One key factor is the timing and frequency of doses. For instance, taking multiple doses at intervals can extend the period Vyvanse is traceable in the system. It’s crucial to consider the time from the last dose rather than the first when estimating how long the drug might be detectable.

What Is The Half-Life And Effect Duration Of Vyvanse?

Vyvanse’s half-life is a huge determining factor in the length of time it remains in a person’s body. A drug’s half-life refers to the time it takes the body’s metabolic processes to reduce the concentration of the drug by half. Lisdexamfetamine, the main ingredient in Vyvanse, is naturally metabolized into the stimulant dextroamphetamine.

Although lisdexamfetamine has a short half-life, dextroamphetamine has a half-life of about 12 hours, meaning it would be detectable in the body for longer. Based on this, Vyvanse lasts in your body anywhere from 2 to 3 days.

It's important to note that while lisdexamfetamine itself is only detectable for a very short period, it is the metabolization into dextroamphetamine that extends the detectability. Dextroamphetamine, being an amphetamine-like substance, shows up on most drug tests. Considering that it generally takes about 5.5 half-lives for a drug to be eliminated from the body, this would suggest that Vyvanse could effectively be cleared within approximately 2 to 3 days under typical conditions.

Moreover, several factors can influence how long Vyvanse remains effective and detectable. These include the individual’s weight and gender, whether the drug was taken with other substances, and the overall amount of the drug consumed. Also, if an individual takes multiple doses over a period, the detectability window should be calculated from the time of the last dose rather than the initial dose. This understanding is crucial for accurately gauging how long the drug’s effects will last, and its implications for drug testing scenarios.

What Are Some Off-Label Uses Of Vyvanse?

Vyvanse, a stimulant medication, is sometimes prescribed by doctors for purposes not approved by regulatory agencies. These off-label uses include helping to alleviate fatigue, treating hypoactive delirium, and enhancing concentration for those with cognitive impairments as a result of neurological conditions. However, due to its specific metabolic processing, Vyvanse might not be as commonly chosen for these uses compared to other stimulants.

Help for Vyvanse Abuse

Vyvanse is addictive, long-term misuse can spiral into a life-changing substance use disorder. Considering the many factors that go into recovering from drug addiction, individualized, step-by-step care is important in helping someone get sober for good.

If you or someone you care about has developed a Vyvanse addiction, our Palm Springs, CA drug rehab offers prescription drug addiction treatment that can help. With the assistance of our expert medical team and licensed therapists, our rehab programs incorporate both withdrawal treatment and psychotherapy options to address both the physical and psychological challenges of quitting drugs.

How Can One Find Drug And Alcohol Rehab Treatment Facilities Near Them?

To locate drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatment facilities nearby, you can start by using an online search tool designed for this purpose. Many websites offer maps where you can view locations by clicking on markers representing different rehab centers. These tools often provide detailed information about each facility, such as services offered, accreditation, staff qualifications, and contact details. Additionally, you might want to explore options in specific areas known for their treatment centers, such as Orange County, Las Vegas, Dallas, and others listed widely. Checking your insurance coverage to see which facilities are supported under your plan can also be a practical step. Furthermore, reaching out for text support or guidance via hotlines can supplement your search and help answer specific queries related to finding the right rehab facility for your needs.

From medically assisted detox to aftercare services for sobriety, Banyan Palm Springs offers everything you need for lasting recovery. To learn more about our California drug treatment programs and how to get started, call Banyan today at 888-280-4763.

Related Reading:
The Short-Term Effects of Stimulants
Other Types of Addiction to Avoid After Rehab

Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa is the National Director of Digital Marketing and is responsible for a multitude of integrated campaigns and events in the behavioral health and addictions field. All articles have been written by Alyssa and medically reviewed by our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Darrin Mangiacarne.