Travel Tips in Recovery | Banyan Treatment Center
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Traveling in Addiction Recovery

Traveling in Addiction Recovery

Whether it’s for business or pleasure, traveling in recovery can be a challenge.

For individuals recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction, sustaining sobriety is a matter of life and death. Even the smallest shift in environments can pose a problem. While sobriety is a big part of your life, however, it doesn’t mean you can never leave your city. Our drug and alcohol treatment center in Stuart has offered some tips to help those in recovery travel without jeopardizing their sobriety.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Traveling in Addiction Recovery

Although having a set routine while recovering from substance abuse is important, going out of town doesn’t have to be scary. Not only are there plenty of sober things to do in cities all around the world, but there are also some basic do’s and don’ts you can follow when traveling in addiction recovery.

Do’s of Sober Traveling

  • DO research about where you’re going.

You want to make sure that wherever you’re going has plenty of sober activities and options you can enjoy. While bars, clubs, and other places where substances are present aren’t always avoidable, doing your research on where you’ll be spending your time can help you avoid any problems.

  • DO stay in contact with your support system.

Whether it’s a parent, friend, or spouse, scheduling calls to check in with loved ones for the duration of your trip can help keep you accountable. Hearing a familiar voice can keep you grounded and focused on your sobriety during your trip.

  • DO prioritize rest.

It’s easy to sacrifice necessities like sleep during a trip. You may think that life is short and that you should get as much out of the trip as you can, but be sure to avoid burning yourself out. Make sure to eat regularly, get a good night’s sleep, and never allow yourself to reach the point of exhaustion. Any of these things can potentially trigger a relapse.

  • DO have the alcohol removed from wherever you’re staying.

Many hotels provide guests with alcohol in their rooms. In order to prevent relapse, you can request that the alcohol be removed from the room prior to your arrival.

  • DO make a schedule and stick to it.

While a little spontaneity can be fun, at the end of the day, your sobriety comes first. Keeping up with a general schedule can help you avoid any boredom or risky experimentation.

Don’ts of Sober Traveling

  • DON’T take a stressful form of transportation.

Many people will attempt to drive or fly long distances to save some money, but the best thing you can do for yourself is to travel safely and stress-free. If you’re terrified of flying, then avoid traveling by airplane. Instead, take a road trip or perhaps consider train travel.

  • DON’T travel alone your first time.

If this is your first trip since becoming sober, you should travel with a partner, family, or friends you can rely on. Of course, be sure to travel with someone who supports your recovery and can keep you accountable. A travel buddy is not meant to be a babysitter but is there to offer support when needed.

  • DON’T connect with people related to your history of drug or alcohol abuse.

It’s tempting to meet up with old friends when you travel. Even if years have passed since you’ve received drug or alcohol addiction treatment, you should avoid meeting up with people associated with your past substance abuse. As sure as you may feel in your sobriety, anything can trigger an addiction craving, especially old habits.

  • DON’T work while on vacation.

Although you may have some work trips that involve business meetings and conferences in other places, avoid working on your vacation. This can cause unnecessary stress and push you towards substance abuse. Before you travel, make sure you have everything sorted out at work so you can enjoy your trip. 

At Banyan Detox Stuart, we understand how challenging it can be to stay sober. We know that the transition back to everyday life after rehab can be tricky, but it’s worth it. Traveling in addiction recovery is possible as long as you put these methods into practice.

If you or a loved one are struggling with a drug or alcohol problem, call us now at 888-280-2360 to learn more about our residential treatment program.

Related Reading:

    Managing Mood Swings in Early Recovery

    The Connection Between Sleep and Sobriety

    How to Regain Your Health After Getting Sober

Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa is the National Director of Digital Marketing and is responsible for a multitude of integrated campaigns and events in the behavioral health and addictions field. All articles have been written by Alyssa and medically reviewed by our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Darrin Mangiacarne.