Books about Anxiety for Adults, Teenagers, and Kids | Banyan
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Best Books About Anxiety

Best Books About Anxiety

Anxiety is not unusual for people to experience now and then, especially when times are tough or during stressful decision-making. But if a person is living with an anxiety disorder, then everyday life can seem overly challenging and complicated. Feelings of extreme worry, irritability, and difficulty concentrating are symptoms of an anxiety disorder. A great way to learn how to cope and evolve from the condition is by reading the best books about anxiety, which are motivating and inspiring.

Anxiety Books for Adults

Anxiety self-help books are a terrific resource for learning new skills to manage anxiety. One of the best books for anxiety includes The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook by Dr. Matthew McKay. The book offers practical DBT exercises for learning mindfulness and ways to regulate emotions. The book is a number one seller on Amazon and is recommended by therapists.

Fighting Words Devotional: 100 Days of Speaking Truth Into the Darkness by Ellie Holcomb

The devotional is an eye-opening book filled with encouraging reflections while providing questions to the reader. For those who feel they have lost faith or are struggling to maintain spirituality due to overthinking and depressive emotions, these words will help inspire you to return to God and manage emotions. 

Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by Dr. David D Burns

Dr. Burns understands anxiety and depression symptoms well and works hard to ensure people there is hope. This is one of the best books about anxiety and helps readers to reflect and recognize what causes their mood swings. Also, readers can learn how to deal with guilt, build self-esteem, and overcome addiction since many people use drugs to distract themselves or reduce overthinking.

Anxiety Books for Teens

Unquestionably, teenagers deal with anxiety from peer pressure, school, and worrying about the future. Anxiety can be controlled, but long-term cognitive issues can be the result of an anxiety disorder if a person neglects to seek proper treatment or learn ways to manage their emotions.

If Your Freaking Out, Read This by Simone DeAngelis

This is a fantastic book for teenagers since it provides readers with a coping workbook for building good habits, altering behavior, and granting hope for the future. Encouragement and healthy coping mechanisms are offered in the book, as well as humor which connects the reader and the author through the process. Teenagers should definitely consider reading this book to be inspired and not feel alone.

My Anxious Mind: A Teen’s Guide to Managing Anxiety and Panic by Michael A. Tompkins

The author provides cognitive-behavioral strategies to readers so they can learn how to practice handling their anxious feelings and calming down or preventing a panic attack. Interpersonal skills plus diet and exercise are mentioned in the book, as well as other healthy alternatives besides using drugs as a coping mechanism.

Anxiety Books for Kids

There is more than one best book for anxiety, especially for kids. Kids will experience anxiety and begin to lash out or cry because they do not understand why they are feeling distressed or upset. Anxiety attacks can start at a young age. Irregular breathing or sleeping patterns can occur, but there are ways to reduce symptoms and help teach how to manage emotions.

Here is a list of kid books about anxiety:

  • Too Many Bubbles: A Story About Mindfulness by Christine Peck
  • Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes
  • Puppy in My Head: A Book About Mindfulness by Elise Gravel
  • Me and My Fear by Francesca Sanna
  • What to Do When You Worry Too Much by Dawn Huebner
  • A Smart Girl’s Guide: Worry by Nancy Holyoke

These are some of the best books about anxiety and can help kids learn how to switch negative thinking into thinking positively. Anxiety can seem scary, but there is always hope and healthy ways to cope with the disorder to reduce symptoms and grow as a person from the experiences.

Help at Our Pompano Beach Treatment Center

At Banyan Pompano, our mental health program offers unique services that benefit our patients and help them achieve new vital skills to reduce symptoms or recover. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a successful method that Banyan offers which helps patients break bad habits. 

Other unique programs include Faith in Recovery and pet therapy. Pets make great service animals that help reduce anxiety and depressive episodes. There are many resources and programs available to patients so they can reach their recovery goals. If you or a loved one is struggling with anxiety and addiction, we have numerous addiction treatment programs that are available.


Reach out to a specialist at Banyan Treatment Centers Pompano by calling 888-280-4763 and ask about our intensive outpatient program to get started today!


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Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa is the National Director of Digital Marketing and is responsible for a multitude of integrated campaigns and events in the behavioral health and addictions field. All articles have been written by Alyssa and medically reviewed by our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Darrin Mangiacarne.