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Does Absinthe Make You Hallucinate?

CNS Depressants, History of Drugs, Sedatives, Side effects of alcohol abuse

One of the most controversial and least understood forms of alcohol is absinthe. However, while few know what absinthe is, this drink has been around for centuries. Even Vincent Van Gogh and Pablo Picasso were big fans of absinthe back in the day, along with other artists. Because so many artists enjoyed this drink, many people believed that it could produce hallucinations. But does absinthe make you hallucinate, or is that just a myth?

What is Absinthe?

Because of its nature and magical-like ingredients, there’s a lot of misunderstanding regarding absinthe hallucinations. Absinthe is a highly alcoholic anise-flavored spirit made from a combination of liquors and herbs, mainly fennel, anise, and a type of wormwood called Artemisia absinthium, which is where it got its name from. Wormwood, the primary ingredient in absinthe, is what gives it a bitter botanical taste that’s been associated with gods and magic for centuries. The absinthe alcohol drink was also one of the only spirits banned by governments in the early 1900s.

The green aperitif became popular in the late 1800s because bohemian artists and writers claimed that it produced psychedelic and mind-altering side effects. They claimed that it made their minds wander, expanding their consciousness and sparking their creativity. As a result, absinthe was also coined Green Muse or Green Fairy. It wasn’t until the 1970s, when researchers studied thujone and alcohol absinthe effects, that its dangers were made clear. Although absinthe was banned in the United States in 1912, it was made legal again in 2007 with regular thujone levels; however, this doesn’t mean the drink is entirely safe.

Absinthe Effects

Although absinthe isn’t as mystical as many have believed, it’s still a highly alcoholic drink that could produce adverse side effects. Absinthe contains anywhere from 45 to 70 percent alcohol, depending on the brand. Like any other type of alcoholic drink, absinthe can become addictive if abused or misused for a period of time. Although beer, wine, and liquor are also addictive, absinthe contains more alcohol. The higher level of alcohol in absinthe creates an even bigger cause for concern.

Common absinthe side effects include:

  • Impaired judgment and motor movement
  • Lack of coordination and balance
  • Increased risk of engaging in risky behavior, such as driving under the influence or having unprotected sex
  • Liver disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Sexual problems
  • Ulcers
  • Gastrointestinal problem
  • Weight gain
  • Skin problems
  • Cancer of the mouth and throat
  • Gastritis
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Alcohol poisoning
  • Alcohol-induced

Absinthe addiction or absinthism is similar to alcoholism, which is defined as the inability to stop drinking alcohol even after repercussions like health complications, broken relationships, and loss of employment or home. Because absinthe contains a greater amount of alcohol than other common alcoholic drinks, it’s much more dangerous. Fortunately, Banyan Treatment Centers Pompano offers alcohol treatment in Florida that can help you recover from absinthe addiction or alcoholism.

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Can Absinthe Make You Trip?

Despite the many claims of absinthe being a hallucinogenic liquor, absinthe does not cause hallucinations. Although it can produce a severe intoxication when consumed in large quantities, absinthe cannot make you trip or hallucinate. It turns out an absinthe trip is actually the result of drinking very strong booze. The supposed hallucinations were attributed to absinthe’s primary flavoring, thujone, which is a hallucinogen. However, in order to get close to experiencing hallucinations, you’d have to drink so much absinthe that by the time you reach that point, you’d be completely intoxicated before you experienced any side effects. Besides, thujone is a common component of things like sage and oregano, and you don’t see tomato sauce subjected to a 100-year ban.

Although absinthe after-effects do not include hallucinations, long-term alcohol abuse of any kind can lead to addiction and dependence. If you have a drinking problem or know someone who does, our Pompano Treatment Center can help. Call us at 888-280-4763 for more information about our drug treatment in Pompano Beach.

Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa, Director of Digital Marketing
Alyssa is the National Director of Digital Marketing and is responsible for a multitude of integrated campaigns and events in the behavioral health and addictions field. All articles have been written by Alyssa and medically reviewed by our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Darrin Mangiacarne.